Mobile Applications for Project Managers and IT Professionals
Today’s workplace is flexible, mobile, and data-obsessed. In our mobile-first world, grocery shopping, sharing an article, scheduling meetings, driving directions, or ordering a fresh cup of coffee are only a few taps away. With information and connection at our fingertips, employees are freed from their desks—empowered to work anytime, anywhere, from any device.
Look around. Nowhere is the proliferation of mobile more apparent than in the rise of “bring your own device” (BYOD). After initially being met with horror, BYOD has become commonplace in business. And yet, critical work processes aren’t keeping up with the evolution of workplace technology. The true power of mobile is its ability to extend productivity and evolve the way teams work. But, that power is truncated if the apps used to get work done don’t integrate with core business functions and aren’t supported by mobile technology.
Changepoint surveyed more than 800 project managers, executives, and IT professionals worldwide to understand how today’s workforce uses mobile technology to be more productive, work more efficiently, and track time entry. Every response reported is based on full completion of the survey. Results were rounded to the nearest percent. Below are the results and analysis of the findings.
The major findings are:
1. Organizations rely on time tracking for business insight. Companies rely on timetracking data to make informed staffing decisions and control costs. More than three quarters of respondents (83%) work in organizations that track time and task information.
2. Yet, managers and team members alike aren’t confident in the quality of their data. Despite being a key measure of utilization, there’s a clear lack of confidence in the accuracy of time-sheet data. The majority of managers (77%) aren’t fully confident the time-sheets they approve are correct. And they’re not alone. Nearly half (49%) of those responsible for submitting time entries aren’t confident their data is fully accurate.
3. Despite expecting integrated, mobile solutions, the workplace is dominated by manual, archaic processes. Empowered by technology, more employees are using their mobile devices to get work done and expect work systems to support that. While time-tracking data is used to manage an increasingly mobile, connected workforce, current tracking tools are plagued by a lack of innovation and widespread reliance on outdated and manual processes. Although nearly all survey respondents (95%) reported using their mobile device daily for work-related tasks, more than one-third (36%) still use pen and paper to track their time and only 11% track time through an app. Three-fourths (78%) say they would welcome a mobile time-tracking app.
4. Updated tools can be an antidote to the workplace multitasking epidemic. The argument for an updated time-tracking system grows stronger as job functions become more complex. Nearly all survey respondents (97%) work on more than one project at a time, with almost half (49%) spread across four or more projects and 18% juggle seven or more. Multitasking increases with seniority. Senior leaders are even more randomized, with nearly two-thirds (62%) of managers reporting that they manage four or more projects and more than a quarter (26%) handle seven or more at the same time.
Instead of acting as a barrier to accurate time entry, technology should free teams and managers from time-intensive, manual processes. Individuals, contributors, and managers need tools that simplify how their work is managed. The right tools enable accurate reporting, which is key to more informed, insights-driven business decisions.
There’s no doubt insights-driven businesses are the future. Organizations must take bold steps to adapt to their mobile-obsessed workforce and rethink how data is collected or risk being left behind.
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Source - Changepoint. (2017). From insights to action. Available: Last accessed 7/15/2017.