Implementation | CrossConcept Continuum | Cananda
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Expert Guided Implementation

Modern Architecture

Implemented Efficiently in 9 Proven Steps

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Our expert delivery managers have decades of experience implementing PSA solutions into a wide range of markets and verticals.

Regardless of the solution it's the impact to your business process that is just as big a factor, maybe even bigger, than the tool. We're impacting your teams way of doing business and that can't be underestimated. Our approach isn't, "this is how you CAN configure something", it's, "this is our best practice recommendation based on our experience implementing similar clients". It's that best practice consulting that we think is a great value add and differentiator for us.

We partner with your team to learn your business approach and needs and use our exclusive and proven 9 step process to implement the most efficient and best practice based processes for your industry.

Implementations typically take 6 to 8 weeks from kick off to go-live. In 60 days you’ll see the benefits that best practice project delivery provides. Streamlined processes. Reduced delivery times. Reduced costs. Improved margins.

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Immediate Benefits


Continuum was specifically designed to minimize disruption to your business as soon as you start using it:


  • Continuum has a clean, modern, intuitive design that eliminates the need for formal training

  • A comprehensive set of online training videos provides step-by-step guides to support you throughout the implementation

  • We can configure and load your system with your existing data to minimize the impact on you and your team

  • We provide rollout guides to help and support the introduction of Continuum to your team

  • Our multi-award winning delivery management team is beside you all the way, from helping to plan your rollout to complete implementation


​​This reduces the time and effort it takes to get you up and running. Reap the benefits immediately without worrying about the cost of change and disruption to your day to day business.



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