Performance Analytics Corporation Save Costs & Reduce Errors After Implementing Continuum PSA! Another Happy Customer!
'Continuum PSA was the only product that met ALL my criteria: multi-company, multi-currency, multi-tax, good reporting, easy to use, and integration with QB.
We considered many alternatives and took a close look at the first 5, and reviewed the next five in the list. eSilentPartner, HarmonyPSA, Odoo, ProjectorPSA, Bitrix24, Kimble, FinancialForce, Clarizen, Autotask, Replicon, NetSuite OpenAir,'
Graham Finney, CFO, Performance Analytics Corporation

Performance Analytics Corporation Background
Performance Analytics Corporation is a technology and services company focused on delivering Corporate Performance Management solutions for financial and operational reporting. They work with clients to develop targeted solutions for improved business performance. Specializing in solutions for the Office of the CFO they combine their deep understanding of finance with many years of practical experience to deliver planning, budgeting, financial consolidation, and reporting applications.
Performance Analytics Corporation provides value-added services through a core team of experienced consultants assisting organizations in deploying Corporate Performance Management solutions that are flexible, scalable, and maintainable by the end customer. They are committed to having their customers 100% referenceable with successful implementations that are on time and budget.

The Problems Faced

Performance Analytics Corporation faced the following issues on a daily basis:
Lack of integration with Quickbooks
No solid flexible solution in place to effectively streamline the management of projects in one integrated solution
Lack of reporting in current solutions to get a detailed insight on how the overall business is operating
Graham said, “We manage projects, resources, expenses, timesheets, and invoicing. The goal is to run the business with confidence that we are capturing all the detail about a project in one place."
How CrossConcept Continuum Helped
Performance Analytics now benefits from a number of new advantages, such as:
Metrics on operations are now available at the touch of a button
Everything is now all in one. They can easily manage all their projects across multiple areas in real-time
They now have a strong integration with their accounting system Quickbooks keeping everything in one unified solution
Graham added, "We were very pleased with the implementation process. It was well understood from the beginning what to expect and delivered as planned. I would say we had many ‘wants’ during this process and the majority of them were addressed and included in the solution."