What Businesses Benefit From PSA Software

Need some direction when learning about PSA software? Not sure if your business requires PSA? This blog will educate you on the benefits of PSA and help you decide if it's necessary to take the leap!
Professional Services Automation engages the core components of a business and consolidates them into one, this allows the most necessary operations to be run through one central platform. As PSA software becomes the heart and the engine of your business. It becomes the single resource for all key operational items. Not only does it organize, but it will consolidate processes streamlining your business from top to bottom.
Additionally, many PSA tools such as CrossConcept Continuum have out of the box integrations into
accounting software like QuickBooks. Not only does this create an easy trail allowing you to follow the specifics of an account but the full process can be completed in just a few clicks. You can see what they were billed, why they were billed, and when they were billed within one simple to use solution.

A PSA tool is the equivalent of having everything done in-house in one singular solution. All things are made by the same team with strict integration in mind, all of the most necessary components of a business are made to seamlessly combine with each other. Processes stack on top of the other and not just with great user experience and design but also through advanced real-time reporting which can be displayed and shared with the right people at the right time.
PSA software is a big step for a business that will without a doubt shift the core dynamics of your everyday business. With that said, generally one of the most common questions that comes along in this stage of a buyer’s cycle is deciding whether or not a new tool will help or hurt the business.
Moving to PSA is often considered a "disruption" by businesses who have not done the proper research into the vast benefits it brings. Time again, we have dealt with existing clients who were skeptical about the move to PSA and now express their regret in not moving sooner. Below we outline the basic criteria that edge buyers towards the PSA benefit realization.
Ideal Buyers of PSA Software
Ideal industries:
IT Service Providers
Consulting Firms
Accounting Firms
Engineering Firms
Marketing Firms
Law Firms
Architecture Firms
Typical pain points encountered:
No real-time visibility into daily operations
Using multiple apps that are not integrated with each other
Globalization limitations due to lack of automation
Low productivity due to unorganized workloads
High project costs due to no automation
Difficulty producing measurable results on current applications
increasing customer satisfaction with modern competition growing
increasing amounts of administrative tasks due to using outdated methods
lack of information to make important decisions
PSA software is made to improve processes in the following ways:
Managing demand for projects or services
Searching for, assigning and scheduling resource
Managing projects efficiently and timely
Tracking work actuals in real-time
Billing and invoicing clients accurately and professionally
Acquiring knowledge, collaboration, and communication
Managing requests and other process workflows
Reporting and analysis in real-time
Businesses who require PSA normally ask the following questions:
Can I manage my business in one singular system?
Billing rates used in an optimal manner?
Can project costs be managed more efficiently and effectively?
Are resources being used effectively in accordance with the skillset and available time?
Businesses with the following business goals implement PSA:
More efficient client invoicing, reducing A/R, and increasing cash flow
Improved resource utilization, productivity, and efficiency
Accurate revenue recognition
Efficiently tracking project costs on demand
Improved reporting and analysis capabilities, leading to more effective and critical decision making
Implementing a PSA software solution should be a no-brainer for organizations looking to operate at a higher level than the competition, increase productivity for all staff and gain a better understanding of what makes the business most successful.
Also, check out - What is PSA Software? Everything You Need to Know
It’s Time to Streamline…
CrossConcept launched CrossConcept Continuum PSA in 2017. CrossConcept Continuum contains a carefully curated feature set with only the tools that service organizations actually use. Its user interface is laser-focused on minimizing clicks and on being intuitive. Front-line employees find it helpful to their personal needs, rather than an imposition by the back office. This focus on effective simplicity colors not only the CrossConcept Continuum product but all aspects of doing business with our company.
We are offering all new clients a free 2-week trial with no contract obligations. This is a great opportunity for any business to try out the solution and decide if PSA is for you!
To book a free 15-minute consultation, email: marketing@crossconceptinc.com or call: 1-888-528-3898 Ext 110